Source code for pyphix.fix

from enum import Enum

import numpy as np
from numpy import bitwise_and as np_and
from numpy import bitwise_not as np_not
from . import generalutil as gu

__author__ = "Samuele FAVAZZA"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2018, Samuele FAVAZZA"

"""Module implementing fix-point arithmentic classes."""

class EFormat(Enum):
    """Enum class to express number base expression"""
    HEX = 'hex'
    INT = 'int'
    BIN = 'bin'
    FLOAT = 'float'

class ERoundMethod(Enum):
    """Enum class for round methods."""
    SYM_INF = 'SymInf'
    SYM_ZERO = 'SymZero'
    NON_SYM_POS = 'NonSymPos'
    NON_SYM_NEG = 'NonSymNeg'
    CONV_EVEN = 'ConvEven'
    CONV_ODD = 'ConvOdd'
    FLOOR = 'Floor'
    CEIL = 'Ceil'

class EOverMethod(Enum):
    """Enum class for overflow methods."""
    SAT = 'Sat'
    WRAP = 'Wrap'

[docs]class FixFmt: """Fix format class :param signed: indicate whether the representation is signed (True) or unsigned :param int_bits: number of bits representing the integer part :param frac_bits: number of bits representing the fractional part :type signed: bool :type int_bits: int :type frac_bits: int """ def __init__(self, signed, int_bits, frac_bits): if int_bits < 0 or frac_bits < 0: raise ValueError("Integer and fractional sizes must be positive.") self.signed = gu.check_args(signed, bool) self.int_bits = gu.check_args(int_bits, int) self.frac_bits = gu.check_args(frac_bits, int) def __str__(self): return "(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.signed, self.int_bits, self.frac_bits) def __repr__(self): return """%s <%s at %s>""" % (self.__str__(), gu.get_class_name(self), hex(id(self))) @property def mask(self): """Return mask to limit number representation (bit_length*ones). Ex: >>> from pyphix import fix >>> fmt = fix.FixFmt(True, 2, 3) >>> bin(fmt.mask) '0b111111' >>> fmt = fix.FixFmt(False, 1, 12) >>> bin(fmt.mask) '0b1111111111111'""" return 2**self.bit_length - 1 @property def bit_length(self): """Return the number of bits required to represent a number with current fix format.""" return int(self.signed) + self.int_bits + self.frac_bits def _minmaxvalueformatter(self, value, fmt): """Return value in desired expressed format. :param value: value to format. :param fmt: desired format :type value: int :type fmt: EFormat :return: formatted input value. :rtype: float or int or str""" if fmt is EFormat.BIN: return _bin2fixstring(value & self.mask, self.bit_length) if fmt is EFormat.HEX: return hex(value & self.mask) if fmt is EFormat.FLOAT: return value / 2**self.frac_bits return value
[docs] def maxvalue(self, fmt='float'): """Return max representable value by current fix format objext. :param fmt: format the value is presented, either hex, int, bin, float. :type fmt: EFormat or str :return: max representable value. :rtype: float or int or str""" # ensure the given fmt is correct _fmt = gu.check_enum(fmt, EFormat) maxvalue_int = (1 << (self.bit_length - 1)) - 1 if self.signed else \ (1 << (self.bit_length)) - 1 return self._minmaxvalueformatter(maxvalue_int, _fmt)
[docs] def minvalue(self, fmt='float'): """Return min representable value by current fix format objext.""" # ensure the given fmt is correct _fmt = gu.check_enum(fmt, EFormat) minvalue_int = -2**(self.bit_length - 1) if self.signed else 0 return self._minmaxvalueformatter(minvalue_int, _fmt)
@property def fixrange(self): """Return the range representable by fix format object as tuple (min, max).""" return (self.minvalue(), self.maxvalue()) @property def tuplefmt(self): """Return object as a tuple.""" return (self.signed, self.int_bits, self.frac_bits) @property def listfmt(self): """Return object as a list.""" return [self.signed, self.int_bits, self.frac_bits] def __contains__(self, elem): return self.minvalue() <= elem <= self.maxvalue()
[docs]class FixNum: """Fixed point number class +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Round methods** | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``SymInf`` | positive numbers tend to +inf, negative numbers to -inf | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``SymZero`` | round toward zero (*DEFAULT*) | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``NonSymPos`` | round toward +inf | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``NonSymNeg`` | round toward -inf | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``ConvEven`` | round to closest even | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``ConvOdd`` | round to closest odd | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``Floor`` | round to largest previous | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``Ceil`` | round to smallest following | +---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | **Overflow methods** | +------------------+------------------------+ | ``Sat`` | saturate | +------------------+------------------------+ | ``Wrap`` | wrap around -- DEFAULT | +------------------+------------------------+ :param value: value to represent in fix point :param fmt: fix point format :param rnd: round method :param over: overflow method :type value: np.ndarray(ndim > 0) or float :type fmt: FixFmt :type rnd: str :type over: str """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, value, fmt, rnd="SymZero", over="Wrap"): # init instance members self.fmt = gu.check_args(fmt, FixFmt) self.rnd = gu.check_enum(rnd, ERoundMethod) self.over = gu.check_enum(over, EOverMethod) self._index = 0 # for generator feature # internal constants self._to_int_coeff = 2**self.fmt.frac_bits # to integer representation coefficient self._fix_size_mask = (1 << self.fmt.bit_length) - 1 # correct representation # always cast to np.float64 try: # turn into array self.value, self.shape = self._to_array(value) # round and overflow process in int format self.value = self._over(self._round(self.value * self._to_int_coeff)) # back to float self.value = self.value / self._to_int_coeff except ValueError: print('Wrong input value type, only numeric list/np.arrays are allowed') raise # support methods @staticmethod def _value2line(value): """Turn input value into vector form.""" return np.reshape(value, -1) def _tmp_int(self): """Geneate integer representation of the fix object.""" tmp_value = self._value2line(self.value) * 2**self.fmt.frac_bits return np.array([ if x >= 0 else ( & self._fix_size_mask) for x in tmp_value]) @staticmethod def _to_array(value): """Turn input value into an array even when a simple number. :param value: single number or vector. :type value: numpy.ndarray or float :return: tuple in the form (value, shape), where value is always indexable. :rtype: tuple[numpy.ndarray, tuple]""" # turn into array value = np.array(value, dtype=np.float64) # pylint: disable=no-member shape = value.shape if value.shape else (1, ) # ensure also single values are indexable return (np.reshape(value, shape), shape) # private methods def _round(self, value): """Round input using object rounding method. :param value: an indexable object. :type value: numpy.ndarray :return: rounded value. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if self.rnd is ERoundMethod.SYM_INF: value[value > 0] += .5 value[value < 0] -= .5 elif self.rnd is ERoundMethod.SYM_ZERO: value[value > 0] += .4 value[value < 0] -= .4 elif self.rnd is ERoundMethod.NON_SYM_POS: value[value > 0] += .5 value[value < 0] -= .4 elif self.rnd is ERoundMethod.NON_SYM_NEG: value[value > 0] += .4 value[value < 0] -= .5 elif self.rnd in [ERoundMethod.CONV_EVEN, ERoundMethod.CONV_ODD]: even_sel, odd_sel = value.astype(int) % 2 == 0, value.astype(int) % 2 != 0 # even value[np.logical_and(even_sel, value > 0)] += .4 if self.rnd is ERoundMethod.CONV_EVEN else .5 value[np.logical_and(even_sel, value < 0)] -= .4 if self.rnd is ERoundMethod.CONV_EVEN else .5 # odd value[np.logical_and(odd_sel, value > 0)] += .5 if self.rnd is ERoundMethod.CONV_EVEN else .4 value[np.logical_and(odd_sel, value < 0)] -= .5 if self.rnd is ERoundMethod.CONV_EVEN else .4 elif self.rnd is ERoundMethod.FLOOR: # round to the previous largest value = np.floor(value) elif self.rnd is ERoundMethod.CEIL: # round to the next smallest value = np.ceil(value) else: raise ValueError("_ERROR_: %r is not valid round value." % self.rnd) # convert to integer return value.astype(int) def _over(self, value): """Apply current object overflow method on input value. :param value: current object value. :type value: numpy.ndarray or float :return: overflowed value. :rtype: numpy.ndarray or float""" if self.over is EOverMethod.SAT: value = np.maximum( np.minimum(value, self.fmt.maxvalue(fmt=EFormat.INT)), self.fmt.minvalue(fmt=EFormat.INT)) elif self.over is EOverMethod.WRAP: # selection masks high_bit_mask = (1 << (self.fmt.bit_length-1)) # pos / neg selector value = np_and(value, self._fix_size_mask) pos_sel = np_and(value, high_bit_mask) == 0 neg_sel = np.logical_not(pos_sel) if self.fmt.signed: # non negative value[pos_sel] = value[pos_sel] # negative value[neg_sel] = -np_and((np_not(value[neg_sel]) + 1), self._fix_size_mask) else: raise ValueError("_ERROR_: %r is not valid overflow value." % self.over) return value # public methods
[docs] def change_fix(self, new_fmt, new_rnd=None, new_over=None): """Change fix parameters of current object. **WARNING**: this action may lead to information loss due to new format and round/overflow methods. :param new_fmt: new format (mandatory). :param new_rnd: new round method, if not specified current is used. :param new_over: new saturation method, if not specified current is used. :type new_fmt: FixFmt :type new_rnd: str or None :type new_over: str or None :return: new formatted fix-point object. :rtype: FixFmt """ return FixNum(self.value, new_fmt, self.rnd if new_rnd is None else new_rnd, self.over if new_over is None else new_over)
@property def binfmt(self): """Represent fix-point object in binary format.""" # correct string representation tmp_bin = np.array([_bin2fixstring(x, self.fmt.bit_length) for x in self._tmp_int()]) return np.reshape(tmp_bin, self.shape) @property def hexfmt(self): """Represent fix-point object in hexadecimal format.""" tmp_hex = np.array([hex(x) for x in self._value2line(self.intfmt)]) # correct string representation tmp_hex = np.array(['0x' + (int(np.ceil(self.fmt.bit_length / 4)) - len(x[2:])) * '0' + x[2:] for x in tmp_hex]) return np.reshape(tmp_hex, self.shape) @property def intfmt(self): """Represent fix-point object in integer format.""" return np.reshape(self._tmp_int(), self.shape) @property def fimath(self): """Return fix math as tuple (round method, overflow mode).""" return (self.rnd, self.over) # data model # # representation def __str__(self): return """ %s fmt: %s rnd: %s over: %s""" % (self.value, self.fmt, self.rnd, self.over) def __repr__(self): return """%s <%s at %s>""" % (self.__str__(), gu.get_class_name(self), hex(id(self))) # # container methods def __contains__(self, elem): if isinstance(elem, FixNum): return elem.value in self.value return elem in self.value def __getitem__(self, idx): return FixNum(self.value[idx], self.fmt, self.rnd, self.over) def __setitem__(self, idx, repleace_value): if isinstance(repleace_value, FixNum): self.value[idx] = self._over(self._round( self._to_array(repleace_value.value)[0]*self._to_int_coeff))/self._to_int_coeff else: self.value[idx] = self._over(self._round( self._to_array(repleace_value)[0]*self._to_int_coeff))/self._to_int_coeff def __len__(self): return self.shape # # generator def __iter__(self): self._index = 0 return self def __next__(self): try: ret = FixNum(self.value[self._index], self.fmt, self.rnd, self.over) self._index += 1 except IndexError: raise StopIteration return ret # # operators @staticmethod def _op_out_casting(op, other, out_fmt=None, out_rnd="SymZero", out_over="Wrap"): """Implement format and fimath casting on defualt operations. :param op: operation function name (__add__, __sub__, etc...). :param other: fix-point object. :param out_fmt: optional format operation result can be casted to. :param out_rnd: round method adopted on result (default ```SymZero```). :param out_over: overflow method adopted on result (default ```Wrap```). :type op: method :type other: FixNum :type out_fmt: FixFmt :type out_rnd: str :type out_over: str :return: addition result. :rtype: FixNum""" tmp_fix = op(other) tmp_fmt = tmp_fix.fmt if out_fmt is None else out_fmt return tmp_fix.change_fix(tmp_fmt, out_rnd, out_over) # ## Addition methods def __add__(self, other): """x + y --> x.__add__(y)""" tmp_val = self.value + other.value tmp_fmt = FixFmt(self.fmt.signed or other.fmt.signed, max(self.fmt.int_bits, other.fmt.int_bits)+1, max(self.fmt.frac_bits, other.fmt.frac_bits)) if (self.rnd != other.rnd) or (self.over != other.over): print('_WARNING_: operators have round and/or overflow methods ' + 'not equal, those of first operator will be considered') return FixNum(tmp_val, tmp_fmt, self.rnd, self.over)
[docs] def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """Addition method. *Usage: add(other, out_fmt=None, out_rnd="SymZero", out_over="Wrap")* It allows to decide the output format. If not indicated, full-precision format will be adopted. :param other: fix-point object. :param out_fmt: optional format operation result can be casted to. :param out_rnd: round method adopted on result (default ```SymZero```). :param out_over: overflow method adopted on result (default ```Wrap```). :type other: FixNum :type out_fmt: FixFmt :type out_rnd: str :type out_over: str :return: addition result. :rtype: FixNum""" return self._op_out_casting(self.__add__, *args, **kwargs)
# ## Subtraction methods def __sub__(self, other): tmp_val = self.value - other.value tmp_fmt = FixFmt(self.fmt.signed or other.fmt.signed, max(self.fmt.int_bits, other.fmt.int_bits)+1, max(self.fmt.frac_bits, other.fmt.frac_bits)) if (self.rnd != other.rnd) or (self.over != other.over): print('_WARNING_: operators have round and / or overflow methods ' + 'not equal, those of first operator will be considered') return FixNum(tmp_val, tmp_fmt, self.rnd, self.over)
[docs] def sub(self, *args, **kwargs): """Subtraction method. *Usage: sub(other, out_fmt=None, out_rnd="SymZero", out_over="Wrap")* It allows to decide output format. If not indicated, full-precision format will be adopted. :param other: fix-point object. :param out_fmt: optional format operation result can be casted to. :param out_rnd: round method adopted on result (default ```SymZero```). :param out_over: overflow method adopted on result (default ```Wrap```). :type other: FixNum :type out_fmt: FixFmt :type out_rnd: str :type out_over: str :return: operation result. :rtype: FixNum""" return self._op_out_casting(self.__sub__, *args, **kwargs)
# ## Multiplication methods def __mul__(self, other): tmp_val = self.value * other.value tmp_fmt = FixFmt(self.fmt.signed or other.fmt.signed, self.fmt.int_bits + other.fmt.int_bits, self.fmt.frac_bits + other.fmt.frac_bits) if (self.rnd != other.rnd) or (self.over != other.over): print('_WARNING_: operators have round and / or overflow methods ' + 'not equal, those of first operator will be considered') return FixNum(tmp_val, tmp_fmt, self.rnd, self.over)
[docs] def mult(self, *args, **kwargs): """Multiplication method. *Usage: mult(other, out_fmt=None, out_rnd="SymZero", out_over="Wrap")* It allows to decide output format. If not indicated, full-precision format will be adopted. :param other: fix-point object. :param out_fmt: optional format operation result can be casted to. :param out_rnd: round method adopted on result (default ```SymZero```). :param out_over: overflow method adopted on result (default ```Wrap```). :type other: FixNum :type out_fmt: FixFmt :type out_rnd: str :type out_over: str :return: operation result. :rtype: FixNum""" return self._op_out_casting(self.__mul__, *args, **kwargs)
# ## Negation method def __neg__(self): return FixNum(-self.value, self.fmt, self.rnd, self.over) # ## Comparison methods def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other def __le__(self, other): return self.value <= other def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other def __ne__(self, other): return self.value != other def __gt__(self, other): return self.value > other def __ge__(self, other): return self.value >= other
# private methods def _bin2fixstring(value, out_length): """Convert a number to bin format with leading zeros.""" value_bin_no_prefix = bin(value)[2:] return '0b' + (out_length - len(value_bin_no_prefix)) * '0' + value_bin_no_prefix